Au Coeur Des Bois

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Le Carre Hermes Paris >> Printemps - Ete 1998

In the Heart of the Woods

The universe is a self-help committee and if trees grow it must be so that birds may benefit. The great concern of our feathered friends have always been to find a perch out of reach of cats. Long before the advent of telephone poles, the Almighty, anxious about their safety, thought up the larch, the silver birch and the sycamore, just so that the little tawny owl, the great tit and the goldcrest rmay find a perch up above, thus ensuring their survival.


Additional information


Pauwels, Zoe

Year Released


Rarity Index


Genre / Motif

Animals, Birds / Oiseaux, Nature

Care Tag

Rectanglar 4 Symbols


Silk Twill

Twill Direction

Top Right > Bottom Left (aka S-Twill)


70 grams


Beige, Bleu / Blue