Early America II

Category: Tag:

Histoires De Carres > Automne-Hiver 2009

This carre pays homage to the youthful America of George Washington, the first president of the United States, from 1789 to 1797, and is inspired by a popular American art form, that of paper cutting or "canivet". Each sheet (often of marbled paper) is folded several times, then painstakingly ornamented with the help of pointed scissors or a "canivet" (small penknife). The sheet, when unfolded, reveals patterns of a naive style whose plain and innocent iconography reflects the homely serenity and the virtuous education of its creators. this delicate and meticulous art formed part of the education of all young girls from good homes.

Additional information


Perriere, Francoise de La

Year Released


Rarity Index


Genre / Motif



90×90 cm

Care Tag

Rectanglar 4 Symbols

Delineating Characteristic

Sample Stamp


Silk Twill

Twill Direction

Top Right > Bottom Left (aka S-Twill)


73 grams