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Histoires De Carres > Spring - Summer 2018

Creator of great classics of the house such as the famous Brides de gala, Hugo Grygkar composed this scarf in 1946. An ex-libris is a distinctive marking chosen by a booklover to personalise the works in his library. In 1923, Emile-Maurice Hermes, the grandson of the founder of the house, chose to this effect a design by Alfred de Dreux (1810-1860) preserved in his collection: Duc attele, groom a l'attende, which he placed above his initials EMH. From one side to the other, a caducee, attribute of the Greek god Hermes, symbolises peace and commercial transactions. This design became the emblem of the house. Around this medallion four elegant horse-drawn carriages are inspired by the original designs of the carriage-makers conserved in the Emile Hermes collection.

Additional information


Grygkar, Hugo

Year Released



1998, Recta

Rarity Index


Genre / Motif

Emblems & Logos, Transportation

Twill Direction

Top Left > Bottom Right (aka Z-Twill)

Delineating Characteristic

Missing Hermes Accent Mark