Grand Prix Du Faubourg (Le)

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Histoires De Carres > Spring - Summer 2018

Ugo Gattoni loves visual games, optical pile-ups. His extremely delicate, controlled hand and his whimsical spirit become the creators of abundant dream worlds where every corner conceals a surprise, a strange detail. "An oneiric race through a phantasmagorical Faubourg" aptly captures the spirit of the design. A fanciful profusion from which emerge architectural forms, advertising hoardings, stories and anecdotes from all the epochs of this Parisian street, where Hermes opened almost two centuries ago. Crowds surge around the bend of the Faubourg, colourful, festive, dynamic. Racing cyclists cheered on by the crowd, flying boats, Zeppelins and balloons occupy every inch of the scarf.

Additional information


Gattoni, Ugo

Year Released


Delineating Characteristic

Contrasting Hem

Genre / Motif



Silk Twill

Twill Direction

Top Right > Bottom Left (aka S-Twill)


90×90 cm, Maxi Twilly

Care Tag

Large Multilingual

Retail Tag

Hermes QR Code